Successful diversity and inclusion requires D&I programs that are strategic and proactive, with unlimited vision, part of an overall organizational culture. Unfortunately, most approaches to diversity and inclusion haven’t been successful — half of all workers from underrepresented groups experience bias every day at work even though their organizations have diversity programs in place. So what should organizations do? In Expand Beyond Your Current Culture, Leslie Short examines the continually evolving D&I challenges that organizations face and shows leaders how to ensure that all employees have opportunities to express who they are and are comfortable doing so. In an engaging, conversational style she offers tips on how to think differently about diversity and inclusion to achieve a sustainable, diverse and inclusive workplace. In this inspiring new book you’ll discover: Why many D&I programs haven’t worked and what you can do differently New ways to think about cultural differences and how unconscious and implicit bias affects the workplace The understanding of Nothing About Us Without Us How to identify D&I needs and measure progress in meeting them How to engage in meaningful conversations about diversity and inclusion with others in the organization Ways to ensure that your company culture matches what it says about diversity and inclusion What your organization needs to do to clearly demonstrate its commitment to diversity and inclusion How to educate and sensitize not only senior leaders but all employees What tools that senior leaders, D&I directors, and employees need to succeed How organizations in other countries are approaching corporate diversity and inclusion
In this inspiring new book you'll discover: Why many D&I programs haven't worked and what you can do differently New ways to think about cultural differences and how unconscious and implicit bias affects the workplace The understanding of ...
In this inspiring new book you'll discover: - Why many D&I programs haven't worked and what you can do differently - New ways to think about cultural differences and how unconscious and implicit bias affects the workplace - The ...
You notice that your current views have changed from your childhood, but you are aware that there are limited ... about the messages that you received about respect and disrespect, you expand the subtle and very common cultural messages ...
As Christians, our field of view should expand beyond spatial orientation. Spiritual eyes that capture God's angle on current culture from an eternal perspective. The spiritual practice of choosing to focus on the attributes of God will ...
Alexander Russo's Blog, This Week in Education Affiliation: Scholastic URL: school_life_/ Author: Alexander Russo Twitter: ...
This is before the abuse, the family dysfunction, the betrayal, and the falseness of culture and patterns. To really get a hold of this process and expand your life beyond your current horizon, you need to bring about the awareness that ...
And with that movement, there came a demand for attracting the right type of people to managerial positions with the skills ... anchored to data analytics that can expand your vision and get you to think beyond your current boundaries.
During the 1990s, more comprehensive research of Ce began to take place that focused on Ce as re-energizing and enhancing the firm's ability to develop the skills through which innovations could be created (Borch et al., 1999; ...
To do so, we will need to advance from a monotechnological culture to become more technologically diverse, expand and transcend the current reality to explore unforeseen possibilities, going beyond what is already there or is thought to ...
As for Duncan's comment about Katrina, some wish he had used a better choice B Comprehension Check Answer the questions. 1. Why is Hurricane Katrina ... C Notice Read the sentences from the article. Underline the main clause in each ...