The first law of the data site, however, is relatively simple: if complex intelligence is to continue to evolve it must act so there are more possibilities to act next time. Don Byrd, from the introductory essay
Patricia Hart, Series Editor Paul B. Dixon Benjamin Lawton Marcia Stephenson Allen G. Wood French Jeanette Beer Paul ... Fiora A. Bassanese Peter Carravetta Franco Masciandaro Anthony Julian Tamburri Luso-Brazilian Fred M. Clark Marta ...
The profound thought of Rabindranath Tagore on Indian history and his prose writings reflecting on a range of themes from the ancient to the modem era have been brought out in this fine collection.
Among the nongay literature of AIDS, a notable example is Alice Hoffman's (1952– ) At Risk (1988), the account of an 11-year-old girl's contracting of AIDS from a blood transfusion. Reynolds Price's (1933– ) The Promise of Rest (1995) ...
With reference to India; contributed articles.
Renate Just , ' Im Zeichen des Saturn . Ein Besuch bei W. G. Sebald ' , in W. G. Sebald , pp . 37-42 ( p . 38 ) . Eva Juhl , ' Die Wahrheit über das Unglück . Zu W. G. Sebald Die Ausgewanderten ' , in Reisen im Diskurs .
Der "Gedächtnisort" Roman: zur Literarisierung von Familiengedächtnis und Zeitgeschichte im Werk Jean Rouauds
... fatal " innocence . " The myth in which Sutpen seeks to clothe himself is , like the robes which Benjy and Quentin attempt to hang on Caddy , not cut to fit the living human being . The ironic contrast between history and myth , man and ...
The Text Synchronises The Individual History With National History Lending It A Universal Significance.The Texts Seek To Picture The Socio-Political Situation Of Post-Independence India With A Post-Modern Urgency.