Last Clash of the Titans: The Second Coming of Hercules, Leviathan, and Prophetic War Between Jesus Christ and the Gods...

Last Clash of the Titans: The Second Coming of Hercules, Leviathan, and Prophetic War Between Jesus Christ and the Gods...
Derek P. Gilbert


Greek and Roman tales of deities and demigods, what we call myths, are twisted versions of true history: Zeus is Satan, the Titans are the sons of god who came in to the daughters of man, and the heroes of the Golden Age are the mighty men of old-the Nephilim.If you were brought up in church, there's a good chance you were taught that the pagan gods were imaginary. But God Himself calls them gods. Not only that, He's judged them, found them wanting, and proclaimed a sentence of death on these rebels.But they're not dead yet. They're angry, and they're coming back.In Last Clash of the Titans, you'll discover:¿The Titans, the old gods of the Greeks, are the Watchers, the angelic sons of God who created the monstrous Nephilim by taking human women as wives¿The Nephilim, later called Rephaim, were the heroes and demigods of the Greeks¿Satan is lord of the Rephaim-and he'll lead them in an end times army against Israel¿The pagan Amorites worshiped the Rephaim spirits and believed they were ancestors of their kings¿The pagan prophet Balaam foretold the final destruction of the Nephilim by the Messiah¿Ezekiel's prophecy of Gog and Magog tells us when and where they'll be destroyed¿Gog won't be human, Magog is not Russia, and their war ends with the Battle of Armageddon¿The spirit of primordial chaos, Leviathan, will return from the abyss-as the AntichristAs Baudelaire wrote, "The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist." Recent research shows that nearly 60% of American Christians have fallen for that lie.Zeus, Hercules, the Olympians, and the Titans are real. They hate us, they want to kill us, and they're coming back.Get ready.

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