On January 6, 2019, Author Corey Harris made a decision that would impact the rest of his entire life. After much contemplation, he decided that he wanted to be debt free. After selling his home, car, and other assets he accrued in his life, Corey set out to make better financial choices. Though it required many sacrifices, today, he is happy to be debt-free. This book, Breaking the Generational Curse, unpacks and reveals the journey Corey took to become debt free. As you read his story, you will be encouraged to commit to your journey of financial freedom, and learn information that can aide you along the way. Corey Harris hails from the rural community of Highland Home, AL where he graduated from Highland Home High School in 2008. Corey currently serves as an aircraft operator, flying unmanned aircraft systems in restricted international airspace for Textron Systems. Since reclaiming his financial freedom, he has been on a mission to encourage and inspire others to do the same. It is Corey's hope that this book ignites skills of resilience to debt repayment strategies effective to fit your needs as well as developing a plan for life after debt.