The world's most comprehensive, well documented, and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive subject and geographical index. 113 photographs and illustrations - mostly color. Free of charge in digital PDF format on Google Books
New Product–Documentation: E-mail sent by WholeSoy & Co. 2011. Jan. 26. “WholeSoy & Co. releases two new flavors.” “The Key Lime is a refreshingly tart and ...
This book won the prestigious Oberly Award for the best bibliography in the agricultural or natural sciences in 2009 It contains 2,336 references.
The contributors of this volume present the co-production of emotions and commodities as a new type of commodity that has gone unseen and unanalyzed by theories of consumption – emodity.
Building A Business People Love Deborah J. MacInnis, C. Whan Park, Andreas B. Eisingerich. THE BRAND ADMIRATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ... These three components emanate from the 3Es, and they work interactively to affect brand admiration.
The world's most comprehensive, well documented and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive index. 435 color photographs and illustrations. Free of charge in digital PDF format on Google Books.
History of Yuba - The Film That Forms Atop Heated Soymilk (1587-2012)
Product Name: Mrs. Cheng's Tofu. Manufacturer's Name: Cheng's (Mrs.) Soybean Products Inc. Manufacturer's Address: 1829 E. Palolo Ave., Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96816. Date of Introduction: 1978. December. New Product—Documentation: Shurtleff ...
Evan's recollection is that Paul Hawken's trip to Japan was more to study the language and culture, but he did work on Erewhon business while he was there. Moreover, he returned from Japan after about 9 months to work at Erewhon.
William Shurtleff, Akiko Aoyagi. HISTORY OF FERMENTED TOFU - A HEALTHY NONDAIRY / VEGAN CHEESE (1610-2011): EXTENSIVELY ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SOURCEBOOK Including Various Names and Types: Sufu, Red Fermented Tofu, Bean Cheese, ...
1951–Hoffman Products (York, Pennsylvania), Subsidiary of York Barbell Co., launches Bob Hoffman's HiProteen (powder)–based on ISP. 1952–Rich Products Corp. launches Sundi Whip, a nondairy fountain topping in a pressurized can- based on ...