One of the world's most comprehensive, well documented, and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive subject and geographic index. 104 photographs and illustrations - mostly color. Free of charge in digital PDF format.
Translated by Emily Busch. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books. xii + 270 p. Illust. Glossary and index of Japanese words. Recipe index. 26 x 20 cm. • Summary: This is a remarkable book by a remarkable man, with many deep ...
Wheeler, H.J.; Hartwell, B.L.; Sargent, C.L. 1895. ... “One variety with green available became possible during Secretary Morton's colour both of the skin and albumen called Konrinzai occurs, administration [1893-1897] when Congress, ...
(Nielsen.) “22318. 'Giant Yellow.' Probably Amherst. “22413. Brown. “22319. Brown. “22414. Yellow. 'Similar to Acme.' (Nielsen.) “22320. Samarow. Like No. 17260. “22415. Giant yellow.” “22321. Probably Cloud. “Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.
Introduction by Dr. David Frawley. Illust. by Amadea Morningstar. Index. 23 cm. [40 ref] • Summary: This is a lacto-ovo vegetarian cookbook based on Ayurvedic principles. Contents: Part I: General Information. History of Ayurveda.
1982. Soyfoods industry: directory and databook. 2nd ed. Lafayette, California: Soyfoods Center. 56 p. June. 28 cm. [24 ref] • Summary: A detailed study of the rapidly emerging Note: This is the earliest English-language document seen ...
Hesseltine, C.W.; Smith, Mabel; Bradle, Barbara; Ko Swan Djien. 1963. Investigations of tempeh ... A satisfactory laboratory- scale fermentation is described based on a 20 to 24-hour fermentation of dehulled beans with R. oligosporus.
Rediscovering hidden treasures of neglected and underutilized species for Zero Hunger in Asia Food and Agriculture Organization ... criteria, process and outcome of the regional priority-setting exercise on NUS: Future Smart Food (FSF).
This book continues as volume 2 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants.
74 4th-av., corner 10th-st [New York City]. 33. Health Food Company. 1883. Dr. Newell, Des Moines, Iowa, writes:... (Ad). New York Times. Feb. 10. p. 5. • Summary: “...'Health Food Company's Cereal Coffee is splendid, being palatable, ...
Contamination by the environmental pollutants and heavy metals found in oceans everywhere is a growing concern that ... Among the worst of the problems is the accumulation of mercury, arsenic, and potassium in finfish and shellfish, ...