The world's most comprehensive, well documented, and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive subject and geographic index. 152 photographs and illustrations - mostly color. Free of charge in digital PDF format.
In Our Fermented Lives, food historian and fermenting expert Julia Skinner explores the fascinating roots of a wide range of fermented foods in cultures around the world, with a focus on the many intersections fermented foods have with ...
49 Around the same time in England, zoologist Richard Owen dissected a dead flamingo at the London Zoo. Mould coated the bird's lungs. Owen thus concluded that entophytic fungus caused the bird's demise. In Paris David Gruby – physician ...
But not all fungi are good for us. This compelling book from esteemed mycologist Keith Seifert ventures into our homes, bodies, farms, and forests to profile the fungi that inhabit our environments.
The book then provides an overview on the use of filamentous fungi for the production of a wide range of value-added products, including feed and food products, alcohols, organic acids, pigments, enzymes, antibiotics and biopolymers.
... 2012. Beyond celery and starter culture : advances in natural / organic curing processes in the United States . Meat ... History of Koji - grains and / or soybeans enrobed with a mold culture ( 300 BCE to 2012 ) : extensively annotated ...
由中國非信史時代開始,大豆漸漸進入歷史發展的長河,悄悄融入到中國和東亞地區的人民起居生活之中。對於很多人來說,大豆這廉價農產品很平凡,甚至習以為常得險些忘記了它的存在和價值。但隨著近年世界格局的改變,糧食危機的呈現和對可持續農業的挑戰,大豆這種國際商品的供求,又再引起大眾的關注。 本書從大豆的歷史、大豆與食品文化、大豆的營養及環境價值、大豆在世界貿易中的歷史變遷、大豆相關的科研及人物娓娓道來,希望讓大家重新認識這種與我們密不可分的農作物。
Introduction by Dr. David Frawley. Illust. by Amadea Morningstar. Index. 23 cm. [40 ref] • Summary: This is a lacto-ovo vegetarian cookbook based on Ayurvedic principles. Contents: Part I: General Information. History of Ayurveda.
Evan's recollection is that Paul Hawken's trip to Japan was more to study the language and culture, but he did work on Erewhon business while he was there. Moreover, he returned from Japan after about 9 months to work at Erewhon.
(Nielsen.) “22318. 'Giant Yellow.' Probably Amherst. “22413. Brown. “22319. Brown. “22414. Yellow. 'Similar to Acme.' (Nielsen.) “22320. Samarow. Like No. 17260. “22415. Giant yellow.” “22321. Probably Cloud. “Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.
In this book, you will get: What is Koji Origin of the Aspergillus oryzae The Koji Culture How to make Shio Koji Delicious Koji recipes you can prepare at home And many more!