Jargon and slang have wormed their way into almost every business document, speech, and conversation that we have today. With online business communications being much more conversational and informal than the written business communications of the past, they positively encourage the use of figurative speech: ergo, more jargon, more slang. This book is by no means all encompassing, but the author has researched and shared several hundred of the most commonly used terms. Not only do we now know what they all mean but, where appropriate, we also learn their origins—some of which are fascinating and very surprising. A very valuable handbook for any student or practitioner in business to help demystify this crazy language called “English.”
From "AAA" to "Zombie Bonds," a handy, informative, and entertaining guide to the language of business--fully expanded and updated.
Biz Talk-2 is the second of a three-part series on the most common slang and jargon used in American commerce... essential for anyone doing business in the United States!
Identifies four ways in which businesspeople compromise their objectives through ineffective over-standardizations or misguided practices, sharing practical advice on how to remain true to a business ideal, promote healthy change, and ...
"In this Very Short Introduction Jonathon Green asks what words qualify as slang, and whether slang should be acknowledged as a language in its own right.
This fun guide is the first in a series of books that teach how to speak and understand the real language used ... Entertaining dialogues , word games and drills , crossword puzzles , word searches , and will have you sounding like a ...
This is a fascinating resource for students of lexicography and professional lexicographers, as well as the general inquisitive reader.
A hilarious compendium, for fans of The Office and Eats, Shoots and Leaves, that rails against something that drives us all utterly mad: office jargon.
Gahan Wilson Drinking from a fire hose - A situation where there is more work to do than any human can accomplish . I learned this term firsthand in several of my ventures . Imagine trying to cope with your mouth clamped to a running ...
'Brilliant.' said Mark Lawson on BBC2's The Late Review; 'This is a terrific piece of work - learned, entertaining, funny, stimulating' said Jonathan Meades in The Evening Standard.But now the world's best single-volume dictionary of ...
Whose friz is that in the tree? fro Go to Afro. frog face n. a nerd; a geek. (Especially as a rude term of address.) Look here, frog face, what makes you think you can talk to me that way? frog slicing n. biology class; a biology course ...