HECKEweldeR, John 1876 History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations. (Ed. by W. C. Reichel.) Mem. Hist. Soc, Pa., 12. Hewitt, J. N. B. 1918 Seneca Fiction, Legends, and Myths. Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., 32.
The Green Corn Ceremony (Cherokee: ) is an English term that refers to a general religious and social theme celebrated by a number of American Indian peoples of the Eastern Woodlands and the Southeastern tribes.
This work examines the Midwinter ceremonial, the longest and most complex ritual of the Longhouse religion, in three parts.
... Green Corn Ceremony of the Eastern Cherokees , ” 47 . 13. Wetmore , 47 . 14. Mooney and Olbrechts , The Swimmer ... Woodlands , Occasional Contributions , University of Michi- gan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology ( Ann Arbor ...
The Yuchis are one of the least known yet most distinctive of the Native groups in the American southeast.
This work makes available for the first time in a single volume a representative collection of the major spiritual texts from the Native American Indian peoples of the East Coast.
The Yuchi Green Corn Ceremonial: Form and Meaning
Translated by Swanton, Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi, pp. 130-31. ... John R. Swanton, Source Material on the History and Ethnology of the Caddo Indians, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin no.
Relazioni preparate per il 9. International congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences, tenuto a Chicago, Ill., nel 1973.
1992a An HistoricalApproach toNative American Music and its Implicationsfor Northern Pacific Rim Studies.Pp. 21–30 in Proceedings ofthe International Symposium on Comparative Studies of the Music, Dance, and Games of Northern Peoples, ...
The fascinating story of a lost city and an unprecedented American civilization located in modern day Illinois near St. Louis While Mayan and Aztec civilizations are widely known and documented, relatively few people are familiar with the ...