America, Democracy Teetering on Socialism: Secrets to Winning the War with President Donald Trump Today

America, Democracy Teetering on Socialism: Secrets to Winning the War with President Donald Trump Today
Servants House of Prayer, Publishing, and Proclamation
Marvin Lee Adkins


Learn the secrets of how Trump keeps winning. Who Trump is partnering with who never loses. Overcome the chaos, by saving America, reunited as one. Understand the New World Order. Beyond the normal. More.It wisely warns and informs how America is at WAR today with enemies from without and within. It shares how we can either learn from history or repeat history. It looks at the threats, actions, and goals of our past, present, and future enemies. It takes a hard look at the chaotic mess America is in. It wisely answers the questions of how, why, when, where and who was involved in getting America into the swamp of American politics, societal and spiritual chaos, confusion, and strife we are in today? Readers Gain HOPE for America again. It helps us refocus on what made America great and how to move into America's exciting new future in this exciting new day.It objectively looks at America's people, politicians, leaders, and society as we move into our bright future of life. God's Plans and Solutions to America's Problems today. Some Topics are:¿Book "1984" today¿America now¿American culture studies¿Brainwashing of America¿Brainwashing of Youth¿Capitalism vs. socialism¿Communism vs. Socialism¿Cuban missile crisis¿Death of America¿Democratic Party¿Donald Trump education*¿Donald Trump Make America Great Again¿Donald Trump News¿Donald Trump Twitter¿Fake News and alternative facts¿Fear in the White House¿Hillary Clinton Cronyism¿Hillary Clinton What Happened¿Immigration¿Killing the Deep State¿Marxism¿National Sovereignty¿Nazism¿Never Trumpers¿New world order book¿One world government¿Political history books¿Political News¿Propaganda¿Republican democracy¿Republican Party,¿RINOs (Republicans in Name Only)¿Socialist Democrats¿Role of News Media¿The significance of Judge Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Confirmation¿Socialism ideology¿Socialism USA¿Socialism vs. Capitalism¿Socialism worldwide¿Success and Failure of Socialism¿Threat of Socialism¿Tomas Schuman¿Trump¿Trump books¿Trump CNN*¿Trump Hitler¿Trumps Political History¿US political leaders¿Worst President in History book.So, come read for yourself, enjoy, and learn what you have been missing and what was NOT taught in school