A revised and updated compilation of the history volumes from his best-selling People of God series, this book will help you understand how the Church developed in relation to, or in rebellion against, the larger culture.
How did the Jesus movement-a messianic sectarian version of Palestinian Judaism-transcend its Judaean origins and ultimately establish itself in the Roman East as the multi-ethnic socio-religious experiment we know as...
While primarily exegetical, God's People in God's Land contains many useful insights for Christian social ethics: Wright suggests how the ethical application of his findings might proceed as Christians with different theological ...
This book fills a real need for pastors and students.
Episcopal priest Furman L. Buchanan explores and reflects on each element of Holy Eucharist, the service most often held on Sunday mornings.
Markus Barth combines Pauline exegesis, church history and dogmatics in this provocative contribution to an important contemporary debate
Exploring topics such as the nature of Scripture, the relationship between Scripture and doctrine, and the role of Scripture in life and ministry, this volume stands as a testimony to the enduring worth of God’s Word.
... Anthropology of the Old Testament, trans. Margaret Kohl (Philadelphia:Fortress, 1974), 161. 10Walter Brueggemann, “From Dust to Kingship,” ZAW 84 (1972): 1‐18. 12 FROM ADAM AND ISRAEL TO THE CHURCH.
The Rise and Fall of the Complementarian Doctrine of the Trinity. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017. ———. The Trinity and Subordinationism: The Doctrine of God and the Contemporary Gender Debate. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2002.
Ray S. Anderson, On Being Human: Essays in Theological Anthropology (Pasadena, CA: Fuller Seminary Press, 1982), 21. 58. Anderson, On Being Human, 22. This is Anderson's phrase for the arena of commonality between humans and other ...