Drowning in the Floating World by Meg Eden immerses us into the Japanese natural disaster known as 3/11: the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, and subsequent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. This poetry collection is also a cultural education, sure to encourage further reading and research.
The Floating World is the Katrina story that needed to be told—one with a piercing, unforgettable loveliness and a vivid, intimate understanding of this particular place and its tangled past.
A thrilling adventure with “an oppressive power reminiscent of Conrad” (Kingsley Amis), considered by many to be Ballard's finest.
In Strangers Drowning, Larissa MacFarquhar seeks out people living lives of extreme ethical commitment and tells their deeply intimate stories; their stubborn integrity and their compromises; their bravery and their recklessness; their joys ...
... that by feeling your emotions you are letting yourself see again. the nights you spent drowning out the world, letting water rushing over your ears. you can hear clearly now. the dim glow of your string lights, now shining bright.
While under the care of Alice Goodwin, a neighbor's child drowns in the Goodwins' pond, a devastating accident that has profound repercussions for the entire Goodwin family, in a story set in a small Midwestern farm town
Even though she is not the chosen one--the sorcerer destined to defeat all seven Ancient demons terrorizing humanity in Victorian England--Henrietta Howel battles alongside the sorcerers in the war against the demons, journeying to find ...
“The Floating World is a dark story that has come at just the right time for what it shows to us about our susceptibility to natural disasters and other traumas . . . An impressive first literary step by Babst, herself a New Orleans ...
Obviously , there is a marked difference between my floating ex- perience of voluntary exile and that of someone who ... in August and September , 1994 , died en route , either from drowning , exposure , or from being eaten by sharks .
Fans of Jewell Parker Rhodes’s Ninth Ward and Karen Hesse’s Out of the Dust will embrace this moving story. An author’s note includes numerous sources detailing actual events portrayed in the story.
The new pump stood inside Mrs. Taylor's kitchen, and before we changed clothes I primed it and pumped a bucket of water for the cornmeal Mrs. Taylor was mixing, and some to heat to wash the early dishes, the ones that were already ...