Power Hire: 101 Days for a More Mindful Hiring Method

Power Hire: 101 Days for a More Mindful Hiring Method
Beth Smith


Reignite Your Passion, One Day at a Time Hiring effectively is no small feat; it demands patience and precision. All too often, the pressures of daily work life push hiring managers to make hasty decisions, settling for candidates who ultimately prove to be ill-suited for the role. It's a common refrain from clients: 'I KNEW they were the wrong fit!' As a Hiring Manager, the key is to cultivate a Hiring Mindset-one that allows you to slow down, stay true to your mission, and approach the hiring process with unwavering discipline and power. Enter Power Hire, your trusted ally in this quest. Whether you choose to immerse yourself in every chapter or simply flip to the relevant article of the day, Power Hire is meticulously crafted to elevate your hiring perspective to new heights. The message is clear: You possess the capability to hire exceptional talent, and this series holds the key! Within these pages, you'll discover a treasure trove of tips, ideas, and insights that will: Ignite your confidence in your hiring process Align you with your visionary goals Provide a steadfast reminder to maintain patience in challenging times Fuel your determination to persevere, never wavering Yes, you can achieve this, and we're here to guide you every step of the way!