"Student success and well-being are the goals of all school staff, whether they are teachers or human services professionals such as counselors, psychologists, or social workers. Building Great Mental Health Professional-Teacher Teams examines how all educators can work together for maximum positive impact on students while making the most of the disciplinary orientation and strengths of each team member. With a focus on overcoming challenging situations and helping students who face adverse childhood experiences, this book provides a sound overview of many issues teams may encounter, from behavior issues to poverty and trauma, and guides readers to a thorough understanding of these problems, their causes, and potential solutions. Providing practical advice for the strategic implementation of action plans to support student success, Building Great Human Services Professional-Teacher Teams informs readers how to navigate inter-group tensions and achieve the shared goal of a school culture that fosters respect, involvement, and growth for all"--
When teachers prepare students to work through the disagreements that naturally occur in team situations, cooperative learning promotes sharing of ideas and resources, creativity, and a sense of shared purpose (Johnson and Johnson 1994) ...
Supporting Education: The Teaching Assistant's Handbook is the essential reference guide for anyone who works in a support role, with qualified teachers, to assist in the education and development of school age children.
Learning to Become Socially Talented Children: Worksheets to Facilitate Social and Emotional Learning
The book's mindful education exercises are easily adaptable across grade levels -- from prekindergarten through high school -- as well as across urban, suburban, and rural school settings.
This book provides pre- and in-service teachers with foundational knowledge and skills regarding their own and their students' emotions.
This inquiry supports the work many theater teachers do and also provides important information of the learning that results from participating in theater for social awareness.
The book examines this approach with whole classrooms as well as with small groups of students, and features considerations for special populations of gifted students, including gifted underachievers, twice-exceptional students, and ...
Music Education and Social Emotional Learning: The Heart of Teaching Music. Student workbook
This book guides and supports teachers to fulfill these two goals.