That noise in the dead of night. The shadow that slips by almost unnoticed. The fear that pulverizes your sense of reasoning and pushes you deep down under seven layers of covers. There is no escaping it, and when the dark forces of the universe come after you, the world will know exactly what you are made of. Will you run? Will you fight?
Praise for If I Die Before I Wake: ‘Exhilarating’ Daily Mail ‘Beautifully written’ Cara Hunter, bestselling author of All the Rage 'This is a debut to be reckoned with' Guardian SHORTLISTED FOR THE CWA STEEL DAGGER AWARD 2018
Laurence is a young ex-sailor who can't resist the lure of the good life, and when he finds a job as chauffeur to the wealthy Mr and Mrs Bannister, his occasional work leaves him free to indulge.
As Hilary, a Neo-Nazi initiate, lies in a coma, she is transported back to Poland at the onset of World War II into the life of a Jewish teenager.
Laurence is a young ex-sailor working as a chaffeur to the wealthy Mr and Mrs Bannister.
He also was a retail manager for the non-profit organization ReSource in Vermont, and as of the publication of this book he continues his lifelong vocation working for the Washington County (Vermont) Mental Health Services and has been a ...
This is a particularly important book for any woman who is struggling with sobriety and feels she will never achieve it.”—Stephanie S. Covington, author of A Woman’s Way Through the Twelve Steps
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Shares the experiences of a rape victim who became pregnant and had an abortion, describes the arguments against abortion, and looks at a program designed to help teenagers with unplanned...
Just five days after they meet, Julie Hanrahan and Dr. Thomas Larkin exchange vows on a moonlit Caribbean beach, the whirlwind conclusion to a romance that's swept her off her feet.
Is it possible to arrange a dignified yet affordable funeral? Is it crass to be concerned about costs at a time like this? These are some of the questions addressed by former funeral director Gregory W. Young in The High Cost of Dying.