Who is God? Where do I go when I die? Is God even real? This book answers none of these questions, but it asks them all!
Someone who hugs you when you’re sad and celebrates when you’re happy. Best friends like to spend time with each other. Best friends stay in touch and help each other out. This book introduces children to their very own Best Friend-God.
The People of God
With delightful cartoon drawings on nearly every page and a brief application after each story, this collection is perfect for young readers to enjoy on their own or with adults by their side.
Celebrate Easter with this Little Golden Book that serves as both a gentle and comforting introduction to the concept of God.
This helpful guide starts from the fundamental truth that God created everything and applies that truth—the doctrine of creation—to kids and their bodies.
"Children who are introduced to God, through attending church or having loved ones who speak often about God, often have a lot of questions, including this ever-popular one: What is God like?
Presents the most important truths of the Christian faith from the Bible, discussing such topics as sin, salvation, and the Trinity.
Mother God introduces readers to a dozen images of God inspired by feminine descriptions from Scripture.
Find self love, and you find God! It is as simple as that. Asking the question, Where is God, then allows the answers to come. In this book, finding God is no further than looking into oneself, ones heart and feeling love.
Written and designed for children, this book includes quotes, rhymes and bits of wisdom kids will cherish. Also included with each quote is a Scripture verse that unlocks the true meaning of the principle behind the quote.