I met Alessandra at a party. Tried to impress her. Was almost positive I was going to fail.I think I said something along the lines of, "I'm a Goat called Fish who's hung like a bull-but not really. I'm actually pretty average." Smooth. I know. Try not to be jealous.When she laughed-and I mean, really laughed-I knew she wasn't like the other girls I'd been meeting on tour. Hell, she wasn't even in the same stratosphere as those fangirls and gold-diggers.At one point during the party, Alessandra said, "There's nothing like a girl's first love." I knew she was talking about the first smash hit by my band, 22 Goats. Alessandra said it was the first song she'd heard by us and it "hit her like a ton of bricks." Ironic, seeing as how I was having the same reaction from being in her presence.I made it my mission to impress her. Give her the kiss of a lifetime that night. But since I've always been the dude with zero game, nothing went according to plan.I'm not giving up, though. I'm going to win this girl over. I'm done sitting on the sidelines, watching the bad boy getting the girl. This time, the nice guy will finish first. Even if it's the last thing he'll do.
These are recipes you’ll bookmark and use so often they become your own, recipes you’ll slip to a friend who wants to impress her new in-laws, and recipes with simple ingredients that yield amazing results in a minimum amount of time.
Sock and Mitten are both lost singles in a city full of pairs. Mitten is a left without her right. Sock is neither left nor right, but he knows how...
In a collection of interconnected stories by four authors, Rose's unexpected discovery in her attic of dog tags belonging to her dead first love prompts her granddaughters to investigate, despite their mother's objections.
"Expand your squash repertoire with more than 70 creative recipes.
Single mom Lizabeth Kane isn't exactly carpenter material -- she's never picked up a hammer in her life.
Offers advice on perfecting the art of flirting to attract men, describing eight flirtation techniques while revealing how to build confidence, develop a dynamic look, and project a positive attitude.
Available only in Middle French and German translation until now, this volume constitutes the first full-length , French-English bilingual edition of Rene of Anjou's Livre du cuers d'amours espris, including all sixteen of the celebrated ...
“Better than the teddy bear from Laurel Perkins?” “You couldn't dig up a better Valentine's Day present if you searched the world over.” His eyes flickered over her. “And look, it's even wrapped in pink.” Her smile widened.
In Rowen's death-defyingly funny debut--a cross between "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Sex in the City"--Sarah Dearly goes on a blind date . . . with a vampire. Original.
Because on Pinterest, the place where all of us temporarily forget that we are not Martha Stewart, you saw this elaborate train cake design, and you know it would make the kid really happy, even if tinting and rolling fondant shapes is ...