All About The SABBATHS: Keeping, Guarding & Remembering

All About The SABBATHS: Keeping, Guarding & Remembering
Unknown Hebrew
Unknown Hebrew


Have you ever noticed in the Old Testament history that every time the true worship of YAHUAH was restored in Israel or Judah, the keeping of ELOHIM's weekly Sabbath and His annual holy days was also resumed and emphasized? In 2nd Chronicles 30, we see an example of this; every time true worship was restored in ancient Israel or Judah, you saw the Sabbath command and the Holy Days observance. Recall, Josiah, this righteous King; what do you suppose happened in Judah after he died? Once again, Judah's people lost sight of ELOHIM; they lost sight of ELOHIM's commandments; they lost sight of the Sabbath command of YAHUAH's annual holy day and His seventh weekly day Sabbath. As a result, they ended up going into captivity. If we keep going forward in history during the days of their return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple (Ezra 6) when they again restored true worship, what did they do? They started keeping the annual holy days; they started following the Sabbath of YAHUAH (weekly and yearly Sabbaths); again, it is the same story. Similarly, we find this in the New Testament times. When we fail to observe ELOHIM's annual Sabbaths; we as a nation are without knowledge; we need to look at that Sabbath command and uphold it; emphasize it, and get back to the true worship of the Great Creator YAHUAH. Many people have different views about how the Sabbath day should be remembered and honored. It is critical that one of the first steps is to know the meaning of the word that ELOHIM chose to use. "Sabbath" is from the Hebrew word “Shabbat,” which means to cease to desist from something or to rest, to become inactive. Sabbath-keeping was not a new instruction for Israel; at Mount Sinai, ELOHIM had already set it up back in Eden. In the fourth commandment, YAHUAH told Israel to remember what had been their duty from the beginning: take a look at the book of Exodus 20:8-11, which says, “8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of YAHUAH thy ELOHIM: in it, thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days ELOHIM made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore ELOHIM blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” ELOHIM never set aside our duty to keep the creation Sabbath; after the resurrection, the Apostles continued to honor it, as did YAHUSHUA during his time here on earth. It is perpetual, forever to be kept; until the end. Please consider scrolling up and clicking the “buy now” button to learn more. This book is a must-read.

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