I Am the Light of the World: Book 2

I Am the Light of the World: Book 2
Ray D. Brown


I AM is based upon the seven distinct "I AM" statements the LORD Jesus Christ says about himself, and as recorded by the Apostle John. -They are explicit utterances of deity. Nobody could attest to such sweeping absolutes but GOD. It is the progressive revelation of the deity of the LORD Jesus Christ that empowers and liberates, that heals and delivers and saves. - is book was born out of my personal Bible study. - These seven enigmatic and dynamic statements of the LORD Jesus Christ comprise the seven chapters of this manuscript. On a personal note, I had to have this revelation of the deity of the LORD Jesus Christ, I had to know who Jesus is. One dimensional religious ritual and ceremony did not satisfy my soul. Christian, we do not have to settle for the traditions of our fathers, or for what some man has said about GOD. We can engage in a character converting conversation with the Holy Spirit of a Living Word. His name is Jesus. Moreover, if we align our asking and seeking with GOD's evangelical love for even the worst of humanity, it is his ardent joy to make us one with his purposes. Jesus Christ wants to make every Christian disciple a fiery witness of the resurrection life and power that is in him. - is book explores the incendiary nature of GOD, and the austerity of the commandment of One Love. Religion (broadly) allows us to hide from the commands and reality of the love of GOD, ensconced within the sanctuary of our self-celebratory church regimen. But if the world is to see Jesus, we must take him where the need is the greatest, beginning with our own neighborhood.

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