Bearing Fruit: The Abundant Life God Provides, is a book that explains, with scripture, insights into the meaning of Jesus' words in John 15 when he says, "Herein is my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall you be my disciples." This book talks of the meaning behind Hosea 14:2, which talks of how we are to take with us words, and turn to the Lord, and say unto Him, take away all iniquity... receive us graciously... that we may offer the sacrifice of our lips. This book explains that the sacrifice of our lips is to give thanks unto the name of God... Abba Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Bearing Fruit explains ways we are to order our conversations correctly, in order to be virtuous, moral, and strong men and women of God. From the lips, to the tongue, to the ears, to the body in full, we are to glorify God by being a living human, fully willing and desirous to be partakers of God's divine nature and His divine purpose of sharing in the glory of God, and reconciling people unto the Father, through the Son Jesus Christ, within the inspiration, power and grace of Holy Spirit. This abundant life God provides is what solidly and wholly satisfies our being. This abundant life in Him allows us the grace to live a life comprised of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. To be filled with the Spirit, abiding in Him and living the abundant life, is all manifested from Bearing Fruit to the glory of God,which is fulfilling the purpose we were created for!