Think Like a Nurse: The Caputi Method for Learning Clinical Judgment (USA Version)

Think Like a Nurse: The Caputi Method for Learning Clinical Judgment (USA Version)
Linda Caputi


Over 150 colleges/universities adopted the 1st edition of "Think Like a Nurse: A Handbook" as a required textbook, demonstrating a need for this clinical judgment framework and motivated the author, Dr. Linda Caputi, to improve the Caputi Method for Learning Clinical Judgment. The overwhelming support from these institutions is evidence that students must learn a clinical judgment framework as the basis for thinking in nursing today. Older methods of evaluating student thinking that relied solely on students correctly answering questions with the assumption that if they answer correctly, they are able to use clinical judgment, is fatally flawed. Students must learn a framework that is used to focus their thinking, stay mindful, and guide them to make sound clinical decisions."Think Like a Nurse: A Handbook" was initially introduced and used in the United States. Early in 2021 representatives from Georgian College's new Honours BScN program requested a Canadian version of the book. Lesley MacMaster of Georgian College adapted the book for nursing students across Canada. At the start of that work, Ms. MacMaster obtained reviews of the first edition. Two nurse leaders in Canada graciously agreed to review the book. Their comments provide further support for the Caputi method and for a Canadian version of "Think Like a Nurse: The Caputi Method for Learning Clinical Judgment." With "Think Like a Nurse: The Caputi Method for Learning Clinical Judgment" students in the United States and now in Canada are learning how to think like a nurse for the end goal of becoming a self-directed thinker who makes good decisions to improve patient outcomes.