Every year in the United States, approximately 8,000 families lose a child. That's nearly one child per hour, and this isn't due to war, disease, or famine. Mothers and fathers are losing their children to accidental injuries-most of which can be prevented. Knowing this fact now puts the responsibility squarely back on us, the parents. This is a problem only we can fix, and that's the purpose of this book: to empower parents with knowledge and a fundamental set of life-saving skills we all should have. Author Mark Wilhelmsson lived every parent's worst nightmare when he found his toddler-son choking and unable to breathe. Panicked and with no training, Mark could only watch helplessly as his son tried to clear the blockage on his own. Amazingly, young Marcus was able to cough it up on his own, but thousands of parents every year do not get so lucky. Now a certified CPR instructor by the American Red Cross, Mark shares exactly what every parent needs to do and learn to keep their kids safe, from developing and practicing a fire escape plan, to using a portable defibrillator and, of course, rescuing a choking child. More than just an emergency first aid manual, Wilhelmsson presents detailed steps on performing CPR and AED use. Each chapter covers a specific skill and preparedness lesson, including the prevention of that mysterious silent killer, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). These are not fringe skills to be left to first responders and medical personnel; these are the foundational parenting skills that every child should be guarded by, including: • How to significantly lower the risk of SIDS • How to save a baby and child from choking • Pediatric first aid - the basics • How to prevent an accidental drowning • How to prevent an accidental suffocation • How to perform newborn, baby and child CPR • Parent awareness and "the million little things" • Home and apartment fire safety and escape plans This book was written primarily for expecting and new parents with children under the age of five, however, what you'll learn in this book can help protect and keep your entire family safe. Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Child's Life is an essential part of any parent's library or baby home safety kit. Visit www.OurChildsKeeper.com for additional resources, including an unlimited, all-access family pass to our life-saving skills training program and online community.
It's one man's story of a dangerous world–and how to stay alive in it. Before the next disaster strikes, you're going to want to read this book. And you'll want to do everything it suggests. Because tomorrow doesn't come with a guarantee.
Before The End of the World As We Know It, you'll want to read this book. After the last few years of ethnic hatred, tsunamis and financial meltdown, Neil Strauss came to the sobering realisation that anything can happen.
... not only have we recovered, but we're putting in place an even stronger and more secure resource for our law center faculty and students as well as the community,” said University of Houston president Arthur K. Smith.
Principles. of. Disaster. Triage. E. Brooke Lerner, PhD and Richard B. Schwartz, MD Photo by Andrea Booher/FEMA News Photo. Learning. Objectives. Overview. By definition, a disaster or any event with numerous casualties is chaotic.
In September 2009, three years after making these recommendations, the IOM held a workshop sponsored by the federal Emergency Care Coordination Center to assess the nation's progress toward regionalizing emergency care.
This comprehensive, go-to volume features cutting edge discussion of the emergency department management of mental health patients.
Looks at the jobs performed by people in the community trained to help others in emergencies, including police officers, firefighters, emergency medical service personnel, the Coast Guard, and utility workers.
This book provides a step-by-step process that focuses on how to develop, practice, and maintain emergency plans that reflect what must be done before, during, and after a disaster, in order to protect people and property.
Many hospital personnel take online ICS courses and rarely practice enough to be proficient. This is a comprehensive guide to the HICS and can be referenced during initial and refresher training as well as during event management.
Holmes Regional Medical Center, 166–168 Innovis Health, 83–84 Johns Hopkins Hospital, 117–120 Johnson Memorial Hospital, ... 31–33, 58–59, 155–156 Scripps Health, 114–116 St. Joseph's Hospital, 111–113 Temple University Health System, ...