America is under attack! Bug Out! Texas is the story of Texas Patriots who fight the invaders. In the Bug Out! Texas Book 2, Texas prepares for battle as a new Republic. Bug Out! Texas Book 3 - Republic in Peril continues the action, adventure, and romance behind the sealed borders of Texas Texas is on her own now. She must fight foreign invaders while protecting herself against an out-of-control Federal Government. Islamist Fighters flood into Texas by the hundreds of thousands. How are they getting there? Cities large and small are attacked by Islamic Terrorists with tanks and infantry. Texans citizens take up the battle side by side with the Texas National Guard and local law enforcement. Can they withstand the onslaught? Bug Out! Texas Book 3 follows several groups in their RVs as they try to protect themselves and attack the enemy. The world explodes with nuclear attacks in the US and abroad. Will Texas escape the carnage of WMDs? Find out in Bug Out! Texas Book 3 - Republic in Peril.