The Science of Being Lucky: How to Engineer Good Fortune, Consistently Catch Lucky Breaks, and Live a Charmed Life

The Science of Being Lucky: How to Engineer Good Fortune, Consistently Catch Lucky Breaks, and Live a Charmed Life
Conduct of life
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Peter Hollins


Practical, real life methods to become the luckiest person you know with - no lucky charms or rituals needed.Luck - we're not sure what it is, but we know we want it on our side. Is luck a cosmic force that we can randomly stumble upon, or is there something real that people we consider lucky have discovered? The Science of Being Lucky is an in-depth look at what all lucky people have in common and how they set themselves up for success time after time.Put success into your own hands, not fate's.The Science of Being Lucky takes you on a science-based journey into what luck is, what we think it is, and how to get more of it in your life. The journey begins by breaking down and defining the lucky breaks, coincidences, and serendipitous events in our lives - then delves into the specific traits, life factors, and perspectives that create lucky outcomes.The Science of Being Lucky will open your eyes to what is behind each moment you would call lucky and give you a concrete action plan to create more of the same. Luck doesn't have to be just fantasy.Become immune to bad luck.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. He's no stranger to bad luck, having broken the same toe three times, but he's found ways to reverse his luck and live the good life.Ditch the lucky underwear and rabbit's foot.-The human illusion of control and lucky thinking.-Popular methods for luck - do they work? (One does, one does not)-The downside of probabilities.-Avoiding bad luck internally and externally.Set yourself up for inevitable success.-Coincidence, serendipity, and other "small world" phenomenon.-Three traits that practically manufacture luck.-Max Gunther's famous "strategic luck planning" approach to life.Stack the deck in your favor and live better.The Science of Being Lucky will teach you how to turn lead into gold, a cloudy day into paradise, and your life into the stuff of movies.You will learn to create the conditions for luck and success instead of hoping for them. The more you internalize these mindsets, the luckier you'll get until your friends ask you what your secret is. The secret? It's not actually about luck."Break a leg" TODAY by scrolling up and clicking the BUY NOW button!

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