Pocket Primary Care, Second Edition, is a practical, high-yield reference for quick answers to common diagnostic questions in the outpatient setting. This easy-to-use, loose-leaf resource contains current evidence-based practices, accepted best practices, and expert guidance from physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, including appropriate workups and when to refer. From counseling patients on insomnia to diagnosing STIs, from interpreting PFTs to treating osteoporosis, this revised second edition supports your clinical decision making and helps you meet everyday challenges in your practice.
This Fifth Edition is fully updated and includes a sixteen-page color insert with key and classic abnormal images.
Prepared by residents and attending physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Pocket Pediatrics follows the style of Pocket Medicine, one of the best-selling references for medical students, interns, and residents.
Primary Care
The book is heavy on bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, and the small size means it can fit snugly in anyone’s white coat pocket!
... CXR for pulm edema, ECG for e/o LVH, RH strain Treatment Elevate lower extremities, provide support hose No evidence that diuretics help Disposition Home after reassurance, PCP f/u Pearl Dx of exclusion Heat Rash (Prickly Heat, ...
... weakness, erratic sleep, anorexia/weight loss), persistent epistaxis/rhinorrhea and sinusitis, “huffer's rash”—perioral/nasal dermatitis with pyoderma, apathy, cognitive slowing, global decline in function Specific neurologic signs: ...
This handy book is a practical, portable reference designed for the busy nurse practitioner. Used on its own, or as a companion to the in-depth reference, Burns: PEDIATRIC PRIMARY CARE,...
The Pocket Notebook Series provides key clinical information in the same practical loose-leaf pocket binders that most medical students and interns carry--the familiar "pocket brain.
Steven Tizio, Seth Karp, and Scott Johnson PLASTIC SURGERY Frank Lau, Wojciech Przylecki, Bernard Lee, and Sumner Slavin PEDIATRIC SURGERY Sang Lee, Stefan Scholz, and Christopher Walden Genitourinary Patrick B.O'Nealand MichaelKearney ...
Consult this high-yield handbook by clinical presentation, such as coma, stroke, headaches, and seizures, or by special topic, such as neuroimaging, behavioral neurology, and sleep medicine.