Master the Pharmacology Concepts You’ll Encounter on Your Licensure Exam! Reinforce your understanding and ready yourself for success with this comprehensive review of critical pharmacology content covered on the NCLEX-RN®. Lippincott® Pharmacology Review for NCLEX-RN® summarizes core medication classes and their associated conditions in an easy-to-use format accompanied by ample practice questions to help you excel on your exams and make a confident transition to clinical practice. Streamlined, bulleted format reinforces key information at a glance. NCLEX-style review questions test your retention of essential concepts and familiarize you with the exam experience. Detailed answer key offers instant remediation including full rationales, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels and Client Need categories for each question. Free 7-day Lippincott® PassPoint trial provides personalized, adaptive online test preparation to enhance your test-taking confidence.
The book contains more questions than any other NCLEX-RN review and includes more pharmacology-related questions.
A pocket-sized manual for preparing nursing students for the medications questions asked on the NCLEX-RN. Nursing students are more concerned about medications than about any other subject on the NCLEX, and this book provides the answers.
Organized by practice area, this full-color book contains more questions than any other NCLEX-RN review and includes more pharmacology-related questions. The author clearly explains the rationale for correct and incorrect answers.
Lippincott Review for NCLEX-PN, 11E is designed to help pre-licensure nursing students in practical and vocational nursing programs prepare to take the licensing examination.
This updated 7th edition has everything needed for students to be fully prepared to answer every type of question found on the NCLEX.
This package contains the following products: 9780781789820 Karch Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 5e 9780781793834 Taylor Fundamentals of Nursing, North American Edition, 7e 9781608316922 Stedman's Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health ...
The book has more than 6,000 questions reviewing the four major content areas of pre-licensure programs: obstetrics, pediatrics, medical-surgical, and mental health nursing.
Lippincott(R) PassPoint is the first and only adaptive, online NCLEX(R) preparation solution, delivering personalized NCLEX practice, superior pass rates, and unparalleled preparation for nursing practice.
Organized both by Nursing Topic and Client Needs categories and offering in-depth coverage of nursing topics often tested on the exam, this comprehensive resource offers: · An NCLEX overview plus thorough content review in outline format ...
The book blends critical content review in an easy-to-follow and bulleted format, pharmacology tables that summarize core medication information, and thousands of questions covering all the Client Need categories of NCLEX and the major ...