Ensure Culturally Competent, Contextually Meaningful Care for Every Patient Rooted in cultural assessment and trusted for its proven approach, Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care is your key to ensuring safe, ethical and effective care to diverse cultures and populations. This comprehensive text helps you master transcultural theories, models and research studies while honing the communication and collaboration skills essential to success in today’s changing clinical nursing environment. Updated content familiarizes you with changes in the healthcare delivery system, new research studies and theoretical advances. Evidence-Based Practice boxes ground concepts in the latest research studies and highlight clinical implications for effective practice. Case Studies , based on the authors’ actual clinical experiences and research findings, help you translate concepts to clinical applications across diverse healthcare settings. Review questions and learning activities in each chapter inspire critical thinking and allow you to apply your knowledge. Chapter objectives and key terms keep you focused on each chapter’s most important concepts.
Margaret M. Andrews, Joyceen S. Boyle. Preston , D. and Grimes , J. ( 1987 ) . A study of differences in ... Rosenthal , C. J. , Mathews , S. H. , and Marshall , V. W. ( 1989 ) . Is parent care normative ? The experience of a sample of ...
The text features transcultural theories, models, & research Transcultural Nursing Scholars Margaret M. Andrews, Joyceen S. Boyle, and John W. Collins emphasize the need for effective & efficient communication, client- and patient-centered ...
Nurse: Was she taking her bottle okay up to that time? ... Mrs. Medina says that things are “mostly okay” and that her mother and sister help take care of the other ... They don't have any chamomile tea to offer the child either. 1.
"--Advance for Nurses "This book makes a worthwhile contribution to the field of transcultural nursing by complementing texts that introduce theory and models or delve into them individually and more deeply.
Preceded by Culture care diversity and universality: a worldwide nursing theory / [edited by] Madeleine M. Leininger, Marilyn R. McFarland. 2nd ed. c2006.
Dr. Marilyn A. Ray shows us how cultures influence one another through inter-cultural relationships, technology, globalization, and mass communication, and how these influences directly shape our cultural identities in today’s world.
Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care Lippincott Coursepoint Access Code
Cultural influences affect people's view of health, illness, and health care (Taylor, Lillis, LeMone, & Lynn, 2011; Wilkinson & Treas, 2011). The glaring disparities in health and health care quality (Edberg, 2013; Rose, 2011) and the ...
The most comprehensive guide to transcultural nursing in global settings, covering pain management, mental health therapies, child-rearing practices, certification, and much more. Features comparisons of western and non-western cultures, and...
Here is the most comprehensive presentation of transcultural nursing in a global setting ever written -- from two pioneers in the field.