Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Lead innovation and raise the standard of care in your OR with new techniques and proven practical approaches presented at the definitive orthopaedic educational event of 2018 – the AAOS Annual Meeting.
Instructional Course Lectures
Lead innovation and raise the standard of care in your operating room with new techniques and proven practical approaches.
This book, comprising the Instructional Course Lectures delivered at the 19th ESSKA Congress in Milan in 2021, provides an excellent update on current scientific and clinical knowledge in the field of orthopaedics and sports traumatology.
NEVER MISS A NEW EDITION! Receive the new annual volume of Instructional Course Lectures each year upon release with a 25% discount! Sign up to be come an Standing Order customer HERE.
Drawing on lectures presented at the AAOS 2003 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, this volume continues the tradition of providing current and relevant information across a broad spectrum of orthopaedic medicine and surgery.
Instructional Course Lectures
Use this inclusive collection to gain an up-to-date reflection and forward-looking perspective of common spinal disorders, treatments, and recent developments.
Based on lectures from the Academy's 58th annual meeting in Anaheim in 1991, this book covers such topics as: upper extremity; lower extremity; spine; pathological fractures and metastic bone disease; serious fractures and joint injuries in ...
The most current updates on new and changing techniques with symposia and lectures presented at the AAOS Annual Meeting.
Aaos Instructional Course Lectures