Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 4th Edition Donna Womble, MEd, BS, RN; and Cynthia A. Kincheloe, MSN, BSN, ADN, RN Confidently manage the mental health issues you’ll encounter across a wide range of health care settings. Written specifically for LPN/LVN students, Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 4th Edition, equips you for the challenges of modern mental health nursing with clear, direct, clinically relevant information reflecting the most up-to-date perspectives in the field. This acclaimed text establishes essential groundwork then builds on fundamental concepts to instill a confident understanding of the delivery of mental health care, the nursing process and its relation to mental health, and the management of specific psychiatric disorders to prepare you for success from the classroom to your career. Enhanced! Case applications guide you in applying the nursing process to resolve clinical problems. Updated! Chapter-ending Student Worksheets reinforce key concepts through fill-in-the-blank, matching, and multiple-choice NCLEX®-style questions. At a Glance sections highlight or summarize essential information for stronger recall and retention. Just the Factsentries distill critical details for faster, more efficient review. Mind Jogger critical thinking questions promote deeper understanding. At-A-Glance Senior Focus helps you confidently prepare for the care of older adults or elderly clients. Updated terminology helps you ensure the most effective clinical communication.
This package contains the following products: 9781608313921 Womble Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 2e 9781451148961 Shives PrepU for Shives's Basic Concepts of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8e
This package contains the following products: 9781608313921 Womble Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 2e 9781451172010 Lippincott NCLEX-RN 10,000 Powered by PrepU, 24-Month Access
Introductory Mental Health Nursing
This package contains the following products: 9781608313921 Womble Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 2e 9781451186116 Lippincott DocuCare, Six-Month Access 9781451186710 Ford Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, North American ...
Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 2nd Ed. + Lww Docucare Six-month Access + Lww Nclex-pn 5000 Prepu
Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 2nd Ed. + Lww Nclex-pn 5000 Prepu + Lww Docucare Six-month Access
Introductory Mental Health Nursing + Lippincott Docucare, One-year Access
Study Guide + Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing, 7th Ed. + Introductory Maternity & Pediatric Nursin
This package contains the following products: 9780781785587 Klossner Introductory Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 2e 9781608313921 Womble Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 2e 9781451163476 Klossner PrepU for Klossner's Introductory Maternity & Pediatric...
This package contains the following products: 9781608313921 Womble Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 2e 9781608317875 Timby Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts, 10e 9781451151671 Timby Workbook for Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts,...