Looking for an up-to-date, how-to, evidence-based wound care reference? The newly revised Wound Care Essentials, 5th Edition is the comprehensive seminal resource, offering the latest evidence, guidelines and information to assist the interprofessional skin and wound care team translate knowledge into practice.
Chronic wound care essentials and clinical source book.
"This book is a user-friendly, real-world guide to assessing and managing any type of wound.
This new edition includes coverage of malignant wounds and palliative care. A new logo highlights considerations for special populations, including pediatric, geriatric, and bariatric patients.
This is a nuts-and-bolts resource that cover the basics of wound care from A to Z, illustrating the most common wound types with color photographs.
This edition features a new chapter on wound pain management and a chapter showing how to use negative pressure therapy on many types of hard-to-heal wounds.
Chronic Wound Care: The Essentials
Listing 294 products in alphabetical order, this handy product guide for wound care practitioners across all practice settings offers detailed information—sizes, action, indications, contraindications, application, and removal ...
... for diagnosis of infectious diseases: 2013 recommendations by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). Clin Infect Dis. 2013;57:e22. Boyce JM, Nadeau J, Dumigan D, et al.
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Atrophic scarring and contractures are common and result in fusion of digits (i.e., mitten deformity or pseudosyndactyly), which re- quires repeat surgical release of contractures (Fine et al, 2005). Additional complications include ...