"Grant's Dissector provides step-by-step human cadaver dissection procedures for students to perform the dissections in lab and to recognize important relationships revealed through dissection. Each chapter is consistently organized beginning with a Dissection Overview, followed by detailed Dissection Instructions, and concluding with a Dissection Follow-up. The Dissection Overview provides a blueprint of what needs to be accomplished during the dissection session, and includes relevant surface anatomy as well as concise coverage of osteology. Dissection Instructions offer a logical sequence and numbered steps for the dissection. The Dissection Follow-up emphasizes important features of the dissection and encourages students to reflect on and synthesize the information"--
Patrick W. Tank, John Charles Boileau Grant ... Modified from Moore KL, Agur AMR, Dalley AF. Essential Clinical Anatomy, 4E. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011. Figures 1.16a, 1.18. Modified from Agur AMR, Dalley AF.
More informative and approachable than ever, this updated seventeenth edition broadens students’ understanding of key dissection procedures and readies them for success in healthcare practice.
Grant's Atlas of Anatomy
Its intent is to take th e medical student through the dissection process quickly and efficient ly. The strength of this book is in its concise format.
Grant's Dissector walks students step by step through dissection procedures in the anatomy lab. Each chapter is consistently organized beginning with a brief study of surface anatomy followed by concise...
This updated 18th Edition is easy to use and exhaustive in scope, offering the perfect balance of foundational coverage and the latest approaches to broaden your understanding of key dissection procedures and ready you for success in ...
Grant's Dissector
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book uses an interactive approach to help students deepen and reinforce their anatomical knowledge.
More informative and approachable than ever, this updated seventeenth edition broadens students' understanding of key dissection procedures and readies them for success in healthcare practice.
Review key structures quickly thanks to detailed dissection headings and unique icon navigation. Access the full text and self assessment questions at studentconsult.com.