Highly praised for its clear organization and approachable presentation, Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy, Twelfth Edition continues a long tradition of guiding students and instructors through the practice of safe and effective medication administration. Expert pharmacology educators and clinicians explain the “why” behind each nursing action and emphasize individualized nursing care and drug therapy to promote optimal outcomes in every care setting. This updated edition is filled with case studies, concept maps, and other engaging features, and is complemented by robust online resources that reinforce understanding and establish a solid foundation for success from the classroom to the NCLEX® to clinical practice.
Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy: Rationales for Nursing Practice
This study tool provides a wealth of activities to reinforce content from the text.
Highly praised for its organized and readable presentation, this texts explains the "why" behind each nursing action, and emphasizes individualized nursing care and drug therapy.
This package contains the following products: 9781496347961 Frandsen Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy, 11e 9781496371195 Frandsen PrepU for Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy, 11e
'Study Guide for Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy'. Tenth edition.
This package contains the following products: 9780781780704 Lippincott Lippincott's Online Course for Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy 9781609137113 Frandsen Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy, 10e
CoursePoint The same trusted solution, innovation and unmatched support that you have come to expect from CoursePoint is now enhanced with more engaging learning tools and deeper analytics to help prepare students for practice.
The new edition has been fully updated in conjunction with the main text, with more than 900 items added to the existing pool of thousands of questions--many of them alternate-format!
PrepU for Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy: Rationales for Nursing Practice
Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy: Rationales for Nursing Practice