Providing a solid foundation in clinical medicine for optometrists and optometry students, Clinical Medicine for Optometrists covers the systemic medical conditions that have serious impacts on ocular health and function, as well as the ocular exam findings that may be an early indication of significant systemic disease. This unique text explains important medical considerations for optometric practice, meeting the needs of clinical medicine courses in optometry programs, and also serving as a practical reference for optometrists in practice.
... Int Rev Immunol 21:273- 289,2002. Parks DJ, et al: Sight-threatening complications of chronic granulomatous disease, Ophthalmology 101 (suppl):132, 1994. Richards BW, Hessburg TJ, Nussbaum JN: Recurrent syphilitic uveitis, ...
Written by highly experienced clinicians, this volume is the first text to integrate basic concepts of vision development with clinical diagnosis and treatment of pediatric vision disorders.
Ocular Therapeutics Handbook: A Clinical Manual is directed at the needs of optometrists, nurses and primary care physicians and provides succinct, rapid access information for most common ocular problems encountered in a primary care ...
Am J Ophthalmol. 1960;49:151153. 3. Savar A, Nakra T. Freely mobile subconjunctival cyst. Ophthalmology. 2010;117:637. 4. Krachmer J, Mannis M, Holland E. Subepithelial neoplasms of the conjunctiva. In: Daniel Nelson J, Douglas Cameron ...
Making Eye Health a Population Health Imperative: Vision for Tomorrow proposes a new population-centered framework to guide action and coordination among various, and sometimes competing, stakeholders in pursuit of improved eye and vision ...
This edition presents all of the features that have made it so successful in the past, such as succinct, understandable definitions, comprehensive tables and illustrations, clinical advice, and extensive cross-references.
With its suggested routines and numerous examples, this new book offers a straightforward "how to approach" to the understanding of clinical optics, refraction and contact lens optics.
Our thanks go to all the people who supported us by providing relevant data and pictures , in particular Thomas Behling , Jens Dawczynski , Peter Esser , Herbert Gross , and all the organizations and companies who consented to the ...
The Pediatric Eye Exam Quick Reference Guide: Office and Emergency Room Procedures is a clinical procedure book to provide step-by-step pediatric eye care examination techniques and is an important addition to the field of eye care.
With high quality color images combined with up-to-date treatment guidelines and a proven template, the third edition of The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology is a vital companion for every ophthalmic ...