Anatomical localization skills based in physical examination are essential for any clinician caring for patients with neurologic disease processes. Now fully revised and up to date, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 8th Edition, uses easy-to-read descriptions, full-color illustrations and videos to help readers understand and locate the source of a patient’s signs and symptoms. This gold standard text now features dozens of clinical videos that help clinicians improve diagnostic accuracy and avoid unnecessary testing.
The South Asian Edition of Localization in Clinical Neurology is a unique and outstanding textbook on localization answering the trilogy of Neurology: 'Is there a lesion?
Written in a clear, concise style, this unique text offers a concise overview of fundamental neuroanatomy and the clinical localization principles necessary to diagnose and treat patients with neurologic diseases and disorders.
The book is easy to read and memorize due to multiple self explanatory illustrations and important aspects being highlighted in bulleted format.
Localization in Clinical Neurology
The material in this book is field-tested, and evolved from a syllabus the authors developed over many years of teaching introductory neurology to medical students.
In Sneddon's syndrome, cerebral ischemia and livedo reticularis are associated. DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION Antiphospholipid antibodies should be sought in young patients with stroke or in those with otherwise unexplained stroke, ...
Organized to approach patient problems the way you do, this best-selling text guides you through the evaluation of neurologic symptoms, helps you select the most appropriate tests and interpret the findings, and assists you in effectively ...
This new review textbook, written by residents and an experienced faculty member from Cleveland Clinic, is designed to ensure success on all sorts of standardized neurology examinations.
The localization of small vascular lesions within the brain-stem is the focal point of this volume which correlates clinical examination, evoked potentials, brain-stem reflexes and imaging techniques in one overview.