Up to date and easy to navigate, Fischbach’s A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 11th Edition, details an extensive array of laboratory and diagnostic tests to prepare nurses and health professionals to deliver safe, effective, informed patient care. This proven manual is organized the way nurses think — by specimen, function, and test type— and provides current, comprehensive, step-by-step guidance on correct procedures, tips for accurate interpretation, and expert information on patient preparation and aftercare.
Cranbury , NJ , Wampole Laboratories , September 2000 Brooks MJ , Maxson CJ , Rubin W : The infectious etiology of peptic ... MMWR 48 ( RR - 1 ) , 1999 Chapman JA , Berstein IL , Lee RE , et al : Food allergy : A practice parameter .
Up-to-date and easy-to-navigate, A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 10th Edition is the perfect point-of-care guide for nurses and health professionals caring for patients undergoing diagnostic tests and procedures.
The purpose of this text is to promote the delivery of responsible and safe care for patients undergoing diagnostic tests and procedures by providing information to facililtate use of the...
This proven, comprehensive manual is organized the way a nurse thinks -- by specimen, function, and test type -- describing an extensive array of tests for diverse populations and delivering step-by-step guidance on correct procedures, tips ...
This full-color, portable handbook contains an alphabetical listing of common laboratory and diagnostic tests, with nursing interventions, in a consistent format. The focus is on the nurse's role in performing,...
ully revised and updated from the previous edition, this indispensable manual continues to provide hands on coverage of the newest and most commonly performed lab and diagnostic tests. Organised according...
This is the only text that satisfies the need for policy discussions for all APNs , it is designed to meet the requirements of both the IOM report on The Future of Nursing and the DNP criteria V for inclusion of health policy and advocacy ...
Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Locklin, J., & Wood, B. (2005). ... Retrieved from www.sirweb.org/ patients/vertebroplasty-osteoporosis/ Sohns, C., Angic, B., Sossalla, S., Konietschke, F., & Obenauer, S. (2010).
This unique book fills a void in radiology interpretation texts by encompassing the foundational tools and concepts of the full range of medical imaging, including radiology, the basics of interpretation of plain radiographs, comparison ...