Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Eric J. Strauss, MD, FAAOS (editor) and Brian J. Galinat, MD, MBA, FAAOS (assistant editor), Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 71 offers solutions for the most current issues and challenges faced at all stages of your career. Filled with current, clinically relevant presentations and approaches, the book broadens your treatment options with experience-based solutions from today’s most respected surgeons and specialty experts. Based on selected Instructional Course Lectures presented at the AAOS Annual Meeting 2021 in San Diego Lead innovation and raise the standard of care in your operating room with new techniques and proven practical approaches. Expand and refresh your general orthopaedic, specialty, and practice knowledge Learn new approaches and surgical techniques from thought leaders Update your action plans for rehabilitative care with expert insights Review new techniques for solving the tough challenges you encounter in your practice every day Chapters are abundantly illustrated with radiographs, drawings, and intraoperative photographs. Some chapters are enhanced with video that bring the techniques to life
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Lead innovation and raise the standard of care in your operating room with new techniques and proven practical approaches.
Significant alterations of the microarchitecture of the subchondral bone have been discovered in preclinical large animal models [71]. Here, significantly reduced bone volume, trabecular thickness, and bone mineral density—consistent ...
The newly expanded edition of this highly acclaimed volume describes the latest techniques for reconstructive knee surgery.
McKee described nine patients with sensory and motor deficits in the ulnar nerve distribution undergoing revision ORIF for distal humeral nonunion. After subcutaneous transposition, all nine patients had improvement of their sensory and ...
Of the nearly 8 million shoulder injuries treated annually in the United States, almost half are rotator cuff repairs - and most of these injuries are treated by orthopedic sports medicine specialists.
Artico M, Salvati M, D'Andrea V, Ramundo E, Nucci F. Isolated lesion of the axillary nerve: surgical treatment and outcome in 12 cases. Neurosurgery 1991;29(5):697–700. As'ad M, Thet M, Chambler A. Arthroscopic treatment for malunion of ...
DeSanto LW and Pearson BW : Initial treatment of laryngeal cancer : principles of selection , Minnesota Medicine 64 ( 11 ) : 691-698 , 1981 . 7. Dumich PS , Pearson BW , and Weiland LU : Suitability of near - total laryngopharyngectomy ...
Chair BOS C. Craig Satterlee, MD Chair-Elect BOS Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, MS Secretary BOS James J. Balaschak Lay ... MD Member at Large Elizabeth G. Matzkin, MD Member at Large Thomas W. Throckmorton, MD Member at Large Thomas E.
Burstein AH: Structural mechanical properties of polyethylene. Proceedings of the 9th Open Scientific Meeting of the Hip Society 293–297, 1981. Ainsworth R, Farling G, Bardos D: An improved bearing material for joint replacement ...