Memento Mori. The Latin words for remember death serve to remind us that we live a very short life on this Earth. What are you doing with your life? Are you living the exceptional and heroic life, or do you find that your life is rather dull and average? Most of us live like we will always have tomorrow, but there will someday be a day where we draw our last breath, and then what? At the end of it all, did we matter? With Stop Being Average, you have the opportunity to learn how to make the most of your life, how to become truly excellent and most importantly, how to stop living the average life. With complacency, instant gratification and a poor self-image, we have so many things keeping us from aspiring to greatness. Yet, within every human heart is a deep-seated desire to become something truly great. This book is all about unlocking your hidden potential by teaching you a perspective that many don't bother to think about.