In this book Judge Posner focuses on the problems of the pro ses, the people, often prisoners, who bring lawsuits without a lawyer and the staff attorneys who review these lawsuits and make recommendations to the judges on how to decide the cases. He has done extensive research into the procedures of all thirteen circuits and compares their performance. This is the most extensive comparative review of the staff attorney programs in the circuit courts that has ever been done. Judge Posner has many suggestions for improving the way these cases are handled. In addition, he discusses the need for televising the circuit court hearings. He is a believer in government transparency, and feels the public should have easy access to the workings of the courts. Finally, he reviews the duties of the circuit chief judge and recommends clarification of the position.
The Federal Courts: Crisis and Reform
This comprehensive study of judicial reform contains recommendations from numerous leading scholars who advocate major changes in the federal court system. Some of the proposals entail establishing the right to...
The Supreme Court today exercises power over the lives of citizens that, in important respects, exceeds that of other branches of the federal government. Life-tenured justices wield this enormous power...
After holding that the Eighth Amendment applied to the states , the court stated that it would not " set out ... the revolting barbarities which Johnson and his witnesses stated were habitually perpetrated as standard chain gang ...
... see Richard H. Fallon, Jr., "Reflections on the Hart and Wechsler Paradigm," 47 Vanderbilt Law Review 953 (1994). 7. Brown, note 5 above, at 986. xvi understand. It is more than curious that the enormous Preface.
The Federal Courts: Crisis and Reform
120. 8. “Journal,” in The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, June 5, vol. 1, p. 116;“Madison,”in The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787,June 5, vol. 1, p. 120. 9. Forrest McDonald,Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual ...
Christopher T. Handman William J. Haynes, II Benjamin W. Heineman, Jr. Paul C. Hilal A. E. Dick Howard Christy D. ... E. Stone Stephen D. Susman Theodore W. Ullyot Anton R. Valukas Paul R. Verkuil Alan B. Vickery James L. Volling Seth ...
This publication explains problems, which the U.S. Supreme Court presents to stability and democracy in the United States.
No sitting federal judge has ever written so trenchant a critique of the federal judiciary as Richard A. Posner does in this, his most confrontational book.