Fred Natividad

Fred Natividad
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Fred Natividad


Contents 1 - A Christmas Letter to a Muslim Dateline 2016 - p8 2 - My First Haircut in America Dateline, Sept. 2016 - p19 3 - The Last Autumn Revised August 29, 2010 - p 23 4 - A Night of Beer and Oysters Dateline 1974 - p29 5 - Pandayan Lost Sept. 4, 2016 - p35 6 - Two Love Stories Dateline, July 15, 2010, Revised September 9, 2016 - p39 7 - The Way We Were - A Fond Look at Hometown - Dateline, 2010 - p54 8 - The Veterans of Ipo Dam - A Fiction Dateline, 2010 - p68 9 - Banawe, Travelogue September 23, 2017 - p82 10 - The Man from Missouri and the Boys from Lumbaan September, 2017 - p87 11 - The Jeepney Driver September, 2017 - p94 12 - Tales of a Hometown Soldier September 2017 - p96 13 - Escape From the Native Land September 2017 - p100 14 - Why I publish books Tatay Jobo Elizes - p102 ooooo About the author Fred Natividad (My brief bio: In 1966 my wife, Francisca, and I immigrated from Pangasinan to Illinois where we worked and lived until we retired in 1988 and 1990 respectively. I was an accountant at the University of Illinois while Francisca was a nurse coordinator at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. After 35 years in Illinois we now live in Fredericksburg, Virginia, located 50 miles south of Washington DC. We celebrated our 50th anniversary (picture below in Amsterdam) recently with a trip to Europe instead of a big bash. Fred Natividad Posting from historic Virginia =Say nanlapuan lingawen pian antay arapen. =Alamin ang pinang-galingan upang malaman ang paro-roonan. =Know where we had been to guide us where we are going. Fred Natividad, Livonia, Michigan (c) 2010, revised in Fredericksburg, VA (c) 2016.) Fred Natividad Posting from historic Virginia =Say nanlapuan lingawen pian antay arapen. =Alamin ang pinang-galingan upang malaman ang paro-roonan. = Know where we had been to guide us where we are going.) Fred Natividad and wife, Francisca, now in their mid seventies, are enjoying their retirement in Livonia, Michigan, after working and raising their family since 1967 in USA. Fred finished BBA, UE53, while wife finished BSN, UST56. Fred worked as budget analyst with University of Illinois while wife was a pediatrics nursing supervisor at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. They are blessed with 2 boys with their own families, who have given them 5 grandchildren.) + + + + I do this for free because of the print-books-on-demand (POD) system, but the printed or hardcopy is not free The printed book will always be there among your collections or libraries. Not all use the internet. The internet access has its technical problems. I can produce fiction, non-fiction, in color also. My booklist can be seen at http: // (copy and paste) Permission had been granted by the author/ authors to print their books under my free self- publishing service. They own copyrights to their works. Interested reader may request free reading of any of my books, articles or essays via online reading or ebook. Just email me. Thank you.