Once upon a time there was no chicken, no egg. There was no human, no dinosaurs, no tree, no earth, no sun, no galaxy even no space and no time. The universe as we see today wasn't at this state before. At that time there was just pure energy. All the energy on the universe was condensed into a single point, known as cosmic singularity. The point was unimaginable dense and hot. It couldn't hold everything together, so suddenly it expanded super-fast and the journey of time and space started; this is known as Big Bang. The Big Bang is the story of the universe, it is the story of our earth, it is the story of the life on earth, it is the story of the chicken, it is the story of the egg and it is the story of us. The time and space started its journey by the expansion around 13.8 billion years back. Over the time the universe cool down, some energy condensed into matter particle , dilute and emerge as complex star, planet, galaxy, nebulae, our sun, our earth, life and biosphere. How self-replicating single celled life emerged from complex inorganic chemical evolution, how this self-copying single life evolve to a complex and diverse life as we see today. How the flow of energy from the big bang till today continues; how the interaction of matter and different natural forces forms all the amazing complex stuff including us. How the mysterious interaction emerged as a self-conscious life and intelligent human life is a great mystery. This book is written to explore this mystery based on our current scientific knowledge and understanding.