How to Be More Decisive: Overcome Choice Anxiety and Lead the Life You Want

Calypso Guo


We all want to make better decisions. The right decisions. But decision-making is tricky. The best of us are occasionally plagued by doubt. We backtrack and remake decisions we already made. Unmade decisions clog up our minds and corrode our inner peace. We're trapped in overanalysis paralysis.The truth is, we have a finite amount of time in this world. And stewing unnecessarily over a decision is a poor way to spend it. This book will shorten your decision-making time by illuminating the 4 false beliefs of the indecisive mind.It seems like some people were born boldly decisive while others were cursed with a nagging sense of uncertainty. But this is an illusion. Decisiveness is not a gift but a skill - a skill anyone can practice and master. This skill is not taught in school, yet it is the cornerstone of success and personal fulfillment.This book will hone your decision-making skills by providing not only theory, but 20 applicable exercises pertaining to the 5 decisive arts:The Art of PresenceThe Art of IntuitionThe Art of MomentumThe Art of ImmediacyThe Art of PerspectiveNever again will you waste your valuable time hesitating, worrying and flip-flopping between options and miss the chance to take action. Your decisiveness will amplify itself: heightening your confidence, inspiring respect from others, and empowering you to tackle the future fearlessly.