Colt Barelman: A Lifelong Cowboy

Colt Barelman: A Lifelong Cowboy
Biography & Autobiography
Outskirts Press
Stephen L. Wood


I have no idea if you will appreciate this book, but I will guarantee that after reading Colt Barelman's biography, you will never look at anyone wearing a cowboy hat in the same light as you had. This biography is not of a famous person, a politician, or a scoundrel, it's about a man that followed his passion from his youth to now, it's about the 90% of us that work and raise our families and help to make this nation the best place on the planet Earth to live. In the over sixty hours of taping interviews with Colt, I never heard him use a slang or curse word. Like the first Americans, he has a deep respect for God, the outdoors, and all living things. "I was born to be a cowboy and unless I am not setting on a horse or working cattle, I just can't stand it." Colt Barelman is what young boys dream about, music writers write about, legends of the west were written about, and yes, he is what we all want to be a part of when doing a line dance, square dancing, or just putting on that felt cowboy hat, cowboy boots, western shirt, and blue jeans to go out, even for just a little while, you are a cowboy. Colts phenomenal memory of areas, names, jobs, and people are without a doubt one of the strong points of his life's story. He describes the areas so accurately that you can almost feel that you are there. When telling of an event or job, whether it is moving a herd of five-thousand cattle or branding, he names every cowboy working that job, and describes the area vividly, making you feel as though you are there helping There are several ranches and many colored pictures mentioned in this story. Sunlight Ranch, owner Robert Earl Holding (deceased), Billionaire Owner of Sun Valley Ski Resort. At the time of his death, he was considered to be among the largest landowners in America with some 400,000 acres across the west. He owned the Grand America hotel in Salt Lake City, as well as the ski resorts Snowbasin in Utah and Sun Valley. His ranch was among the largest in America and the largest in Northern Wyoming and Southern Montana. One of the eight Colt was employed with. This was by far the most difficult genre that I have ever written. As you can see by my book picture, I look like a typical cowboy and I have indeed lived that life, as most anyone that has a horse, small pasture, and wants to be a part of this fantasy life envisions. Was I a cowboy? Not even close! That's what made writing Colts life so difficult for me, I had to get my concept of being a cowboy from my head and listen to Colt, when that happened and I understood what it means to be a real cowboy, only then could I write his life. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading Colts Biography as much as I enjoyed writing it. THANK YOU

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