Loosening the Grip 12th Edition: A Handbook of Alcohol Information

Loosening the Grip 12th Edition: A Handbook of Alcohol Information
Outskirts Press
Jean Kinney


Accessible and comprehensive, Loosening the Grip remains an authoritative source for information about alcohol use ad the problems associated with it, while also addressing the relationship between alcohol and other drug use. The text presents the physical and psychological effects of alcohol alongside the impact of its use on the family and society. Special attention is given to range of responses to potential problems or alcohol use, including prevention, harm reduction, assessment, referral and treatment, and the risks for anyone of heavy alcohol use. Along with providing a historical foundation, Loosening the Grip also sets forth basic information on other drugs of abuse, whether street drugs on prescription drugs. NEW FEATURES OF THE 12th Edition: - The phenomenon of vaping, particularly among adolescents, and the serious medical problems. - The advent of for-profit substance abuse treatment programs chains and issues of substandard clinical care, and failure to represent the standards of the Profession. - The opioid epidemic, sparked by pharmaceutical industry, and how drinking is interwoven into abuse of pharmaceuticals. - The evolution of the Substance Use Profession from what was once virtually an orphaned, isolated, to among the most widely respected of the Human Service Professions. WHAT AN INSTRUCTOR SAYS ABOUT LOOSENING THE GRIP: "Loosening the Grip is, and has been the standard setter in the addiction profession since first publication in 1978. My first experience with the text occurred as a student in 1999, and I literally devoured the text, which was filled with material about alcohol, its effects on the body and mind, and how to best treat the condition of alcohol use disorder. I now am a licensed addiction counselor and addiction educator, and as such utilize this text exclusively in my alcohol course within our accredited addiction counseling and prevention program. This is not only an essential encyclopedia on all things concerning alcohol addiction and recovery, but includes materials about other substances of abuse, along with materials on co-occurring mental health disorders. Students state that they love this book as much as I did in 1999, and this creates a much higher level of retention in our major and minor. I plan to continue using this very engaging, accurate and useful book for many years to come." --John Korkow, LAC, PhD, SAP