Pipeline spills occur as pipeline infrastructure ages and more hazardous products are transported. Regrettably, too many leak detection systems fail to detect these leaks, and other leak detection systems are ignored by the operators because they are unreliable. Thus, leaks that should have been small spills become disasters that cost pipeline owners millions of dollars. The key to the successful operation of pipeline leak detection systems is management commitment that assures the allocation of sufficient resources to the ongoing maintenance of leak detection systems and their supporting components. Every pipeline operator should consider a role for a leak detection champion who understands how their system works, continually monitors its performance, and supports the Pipeline Controllers. The leak detection system is not "fit-and-forget" and it requires ongoing management which is best achieved in-house with vendor support. Building a companywide leak detection culture, where pipeline leak detection is understood and valued from the top ranks to the field operators will reduce loss of containment incidents. "Introduction to Pipeline Leak Detection" explains the key leak detection technologies deployed to detect leaks on pipelines today in simple concise language that is easily understood by everyone.