Have you ever meant to finish a quilt, but don't because your kids and grandkids are coming for a visit this weekend, or your neighbor needs you to dog sit, or your husband wants to fix the bathroom sink but you had better watch him do it so that he doesn't also take apart the toilet and the shower? Yeah, me, too. Since life gets in the way of quilting from time to time, I ran a challenge for one week to get myself, and some quilting friends back on track. Want to join me? Read the introduction section the night before you are ready to take the challenge and do the extra credit. Then, every morning, read the essay for the day, and then, GET SEWING! Use the challenge in this book to get back in the habit of sewing every day, find your ironing board under a mountain of quilt supplies, and finish up those UFO's that are lurking in your sewing room If you enjoyed ScrapStashtic Quilts, Organizing Your Scrap Fabric Stash and ACTUALLY Using It, you will love this book!