All Hallow's Eve: a night of mischief, mayhem and evil deeds. The night before Halloween has been passed down through generations as a night to stay off the streets. In more recent years, it's been used as a way for teenagers to venture out with their friends and cause a little mischief before the candy-coated trick-or-treating starts the next night. For Fredric M. Jablin, All Hallow's Even of 2004 would be his last. At the age of 52, Jablin was an esteemed professor with an established university teaching career. In the early morning hours of October 30th, 2004, he was found shot dead - once in the arm, and again in the torso. The cause of his death seemed rather straightforward, with only one suspect in mind - but the story leading up to Jablin's murder and bringing his killer to justice is one fraught with mistaken identity, revenge and a scorned ex-wife. All in all, it is a story that is nothing but a recipe for disaster. The suspect? Piper Rountree. Or, was she?