Writing down dreams increases dream recall; a great memory jogger. An easy way to reference those moments of "d�j� vu"; the phenomenon of having the feeling that the situation currently being experienced has already been seen, or visited before, and being "replayed". It is important to record dreams immediately upon waking as details can be quickly forgotten; consider keeping close by your bedside. This dream journal includes space for recording personal reflection(s), waking experience, smells, colors, feelings, scriptures, revelation or interpretation, dream theme, and if recurrent. A recurring dream may help you identify something happening in your life you may need to pay more attention to. God often repeats these "messages" until we have gotten what He has been trying to share with us. Noting your feelings is important as well, to help determine if you were given the dream for a specific need, or to prepare you for an upcoming event or situation. Thick, high quality durable paper makes using markers a great way to personalize your dream themes.