If you've ever read the books of Kings and Chronicles, you know there were good kings and bad kings who had their ups and downs. What made some kings good and others bad? Jerusalem was ruled by David's decedents throughout most of the history recorded in Kings. One son after another took the throne. Why did good kings spawn bad sons, and how did one king coming from a line of bad kings turn out to be a good king? What changed the mold? How did God influence certain kings to change the nation while other kings refused to listen to God? When we look at the personality of each king, we see how influences inside and outside the palace effected each of them. We see how God was able to preserve enough of the law, and original plan of salvation to influence certain kings when Jerusalem needed a strong, loyal leader. We also see how and why those kings fell short of the ultimate goal, to turn the nation and world to God. Within each of those lives and stories, there are deep, spiritually related stories showing us why Jerusalem had to fall, and why this world, the way we know it will one day cease to exist. The lives and reign of each of those kings added details to Jerusalem's eventual destruction, which of course parallel the closing days of this world. When the personalities of Jerusalem's kings are understood, the path this world is following can be clearly seen. Egypt and Babylon have long been symbols used to explain the end of this world. Why would God have Egypt and Babylon converge on Jerusalem one after another? What role did the temple play in those stories? Why were the items in the temple carried off to Egypt? What did the king replace them with, and what did Nebuchadnezzar's army eventually carry off to Babylon? Why was that specific order followed? Why was one of Jerusalem's kings imprisoned in Egypt at the same time another served as a prisoner in Babylon? Why did Egypt then Babylon appoint kings in Jerusalem and give them new names? Those questions and more are examined and explained in this book.