Have you accepted defeat and adopted a life of mediocrity? Do you wake up each day unsatisfied with your current situation and feel that life must have more to offer? No Excuses: When Failure is No Longer an Option will enable you to eliminate excuses and implement the power within yourself to obtain complete control of your life. The principles included in this book will empower you to face life's challenges head-on and overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. The overall quality of your life will improve when you choose to remove the destructive barriers that prevent success. Millions of people around the world have settled for less than their worth and created barriers that block them from their goals, but you don't have to be one of them. In this life-changing how-to guide, Edward L Moore shares four basic principles that will enable readers to: - Develop self-discipline to conquer your goals and objectives. - Learn proven strategies to take full accountability for your life's outcomes. - Discover tips on how to identify and develop your niche and create a plan to monetize it. If you desire to achieve more in life, access your potential, and execute your goals, now is the time to start living your life with NO EXCUSES!