A brilliant condemnation of political hobbyism—treating politics like entertainment—and a call to arms for well-meaning, well-informed citizens who consume political news, but do not take political action. Who is to blame for our broken politics? The uncomfortable answer to this question starts with ordinary citizens with good intentions. We vote (sometimes) and occasionally sign a petition or attend a rally. But we mainly “engage” by consuming politics as if it’s a sport or a hobby. We soak in daily political gossip and eat up statistics about who’s up and who’s down. We tweet and post and share. We crave outrage. The hours we spend on politics are used mainly as pastime. Instead, we should be spending the same number of hours building political organizations, implementing a long-term vision for our city or town, and getting to know our neighbors, whose votes will be needed for solving hard problems. We could be accumulating power so that when there are opportunities to make a difference—to lobby, to advocate, to mobilize—we will be ready. But most of us who are spending time on politics today are focused inward, choosing roles and activities designed for our short-term pleasure. We are repelled by the slow-and-steady activities that characterize service to the common good. In Politics Is for Power, pioneering and brilliant data analyst Eitan Hersh shows us a way toward more effective political participation. Aided by political theory, history, cutting-edge social science, as well as remarkable stories of ordinary citizens who got off their couches and took political power seriously, this book shows us how to channel our energy away from political hobbyism and toward empowering our values.
Oxford: Blackwell. Edwards, P. K. (ed.) (1995). Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice in Britain. Oxford: Blackwell. Edwards, P. K. (2006). ... Fairris, D. and P. Askenazy (2010). 'Works councils and firm productivity in France', ...
The essays deal with the concept of systems of states: the state-systems of Hellas; Hellas and Persia; the geographical and chronological boundaries of the modern states-system; international legitimacy; and triangles and duels.
The Book of Samuel is universally acknowledged as one of the supreme achievements of biblical literature. Yet the book's anonymous author was more than an inspired storyteller.
See especially " The House Is Not a Home : MP's and Their Constituencies , " Bruce E. Cain , John A. Ferejohn , and Morris P. Fiorina , a paper prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association meeting in Chicago on April 19-21 ...
44 Jean Strouse, Morgan: American Financier (New York: Random House, 1999), shows Morgan's strategy of commitment to investors as a way of encouraging British capital exports to the United States. 45 Coffee 2001. 46 Roe 1994, 105.
Sebastian Rosato explains that states routinely lack the kind of information they need to be convinced that their rivals mean them no harm.
Forests.org, Inc., an organization that aims to contribute to ending deforestation and conserving all forests, provides access to a searchable database on forest conservation. Searching tips are provided for users.
To see how women can achieve that goal, she combines her personal experience in politics; the lessons of past women's movements; the stories of young women today who have new ideas about their role in society; and interviews with a wide ...
In this work, the author examines the tension between liberty and power that both characterized the period and formed part of its historical legacy.
See Jonathan R. Adelman, Prelude to the Cold War: The Tsarist, Soviet, and U.S. Armies in the Two World Wars (Boulder, ... Norman Davies, White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War, 1919–20 (New York: St. Martin's, 1972); Thomas C.